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Soul Winning

All ministry teams at GK1 are complimentary to each other and work together in unity and functional order, with one ultimate goal in mind. To obey Jesus's command, to make disciples. A God given revelation of how previous every disciple is to Jesus, is motivation for us, to not only reach the lost, but to also teach them to
observe all things that Jesus commands. Heaven comes and God's will is done on earth through reborn people that are transformed into the image of Christ. The whole creation is eagerly waiting for the children of God to be revealed.​


God's burning desire in us to rescue people from destruction and to help bring them into the Kingdom of his Son, pushes us to share the good news of His Kingdom. Various teams of event organizers, inviters, advertisers, event hosts, speakers ect. work together to preach the message, that Jesus has made a way for all people to have eternal and abundant life. This abundant life is for now, while we are on earth and forevermore. We guide people through the necessary God given steps to inherit God's Kingdom, namely to
believe and have faith in Jesus, to repent, to be baptised and to be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Reborn people are encouraged to enrol in GK1's Achievers Academy where they will receive all the tools needed to live happy and successful lives, as they choose to build their houses on the rock, which is God's wonderful Biblical principles.

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